Monday, August 27, 2012

Chapter 1: Setting Sail

你好! My name is Nathaniel Hahn, and I am a 3rd year Asian Studies major at Northeastern University. I have decided to keep up a blog while I am studying at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics for the semester. In addition to a written blog, I will be making weekly videos that show my adventures as they happen. So, If you follow my twitter: ( I will post whenever I make an update. Here's my video introduction!

As an Asian Studies major, I always seem to be caught in the middle of two cultures. On the one hand, I am VERY American, so I don’t exactly…fit in into Chinese culture. On the other hand, as soon as people learn my major, I am asked to explain the intricacies of Chineseness to a world where the mark of China is seen as the ultimate outsider.

Therefore, I intend to use this blog as a description of my life in the middle: not just the middle country (the Chinese description of China, 中国, literally means “middle country”), but the middle culture between East and West, and how I can ever possibly live up to the expectations of me brought on by my unique position.

If you keep reading, you will be sure to learn something about China that you didn’t already know, and perhaps it might spark an interest to visit here yourself. At least, I hope so. The future resides on these two cultures being able to cooperate in a complicated world, and I hope this blog can provide at least one piece of the puzzle. And hey, maybe I’ll even teach you some Chinese.

你好: (pronunciation: knee-how) (pinyin: ni2hao3) (translation: hello)